Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We’ll save the planet only if we’re forced to

The eco system was doing well before the humans start to change things in it by the years people started to pollute the earth more and more. At first the earth could adjust with the small amount of pollution but after few centuries the pollution become worse and the eco system couldn’t adjust with the amount of gases that are thrown in the air. Tons and tons of gases each day. The people should be forced by the governments to change the way of life style so that we save the plant from the global warming. Instead of giving the right to choose rather to change or to continu with there normal life style. So the governments should but new laws to stop the people from polluting the earth.

I don’t agree with this statement because a lot of people are happy to change but there is others who are not thinking of change and help the environment even if you put a gun on there heads. So we can’t say that all the people have to be forced to change. Let’s show them how to change to the better let’s show them the evidences of the global warming and what is the dangerous that we will force if we didn’t change our life stile. The people aren’t animals to put a rope on there necks and lead them.

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