Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Abu Dhabi – A Cool city?

Many people ask them selves is Abu Dhabi a cool city or not considering the recent studies and the facts Abu Dhabi is not a cool city. But every thing could be changed and the plans for the new projects (the cities) that are starting to build are considering the environment as the first priority.

(For example the Saadiyat island and the Emirates Pearl where the Saadiyat Island development and has established strict development criteria with consideration for the natural environment being the number one priority. Also the buildings are using the methods of energy saving, resource saving & limitation of the emission of harmful substances throughout the life cycle of the building .harmony with the local climate, traditions & surrounding environment .Development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs (UN definition of Sustainable design.) .Optimization of the Building Orientation)(1).

Anything could be changed and Abu Dhabi could be a cool city in the future why not with the money that they have the will and the modern technology any thing could be established.

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