Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why would I like to live in Masder city?

Abu Dhabi started to build the first city of it kind which is Masdar city. Masder city will be a city with zero carbon dioxide and with less pollution. I would like to live in Masder city in the future after it finished if I could afford to live in it.

Why would I like to live in Masder city? That is the question I asked my self when I read the article about it. At first I didn’t like the idea of living in a city where you are not allowed to drive a car in but after thinking a lot and seeing the situation from other side I relisted that with out cars in the city there will be no congestions in the morning when I am going to the work. Also I will suffer less from my allergy and I will sleep better at night because the noise of cars will be less. In addition to that every thing that you need will be near you like the shopping mall, the GYM or even the clinic. I thought also that I would be healthier because I will walk more to the places I want to go to. The reason for that is that the streets will be shaded so instead of hiding from the sun I will be enjoying my self or jogging to keep my body fit.

There are a lot of other reasons why I would like to live in Masder city that make me whish if Masder city was build before but the main reason that why I would like to live in Masder city is to save the world from pollution and destruction.

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