Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We’ll save the planet only if we’re forced to

The eco system was doing well before the humans start to change things in it by the years people started to pollute the earth more and more. At first the earth could adjust with the small amount of pollution but after few centuries the pollution become worse and the eco system couldn’t adjust with the amount of gases that are thrown in the air. Tons and tons of gases each day. The people should be forced by the governments to change the way of life style so that we save the plant from the global warming. Instead of giving the right to choose rather to change or to continu with there normal life style. So the governments should but new laws to stop the people from polluting the earth.

I don’t agree with this statement because a lot of people are happy to change but there is others who are not thinking of change and help the environment even if you put a gun on there heads. So we can’t say that all the people have to be forced to change. Let’s show them how to change to the better let’s show them the evidences of the global warming and what is the dangerous that we will force if we didn’t change our life stile. The people aren’t animals to put a rope on there necks and lead them.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Is Abu Dhabi a cool city?

I don't think that Abu Dhabi is a cool city becuse there is a lot of pollution and they didn't achive to reduce there carbon footprint. In the future I think they could bulid bulidings with heat proffer walls.

Abu Dhabi – A Cool city?

Many people ask them selves is Abu Dhabi a cool city or not considering the recent studies and the facts Abu Dhabi is not a cool city. But every thing could be changed and the plans for the new projects (the cities) that are starting to build are considering the environment as the first priority.

(For example the Saadiyat island and the Emirates Pearl where the Saadiyat Island development and has established strict development criteria with consideration for the natural environment being the number one priority. Also the buildings are using the methods of energy saving, resource saving & limitation of the emission of harmful substances throughout the life cycle of the building .harmony with the local climate, traditions & surrounding environment .Development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs (UN definition of Sustainable design.) .Optimization of the Building Orientation)(1).

Anything could be changed and Abu Dhabi could be a cool city in the future why not with the money that they have the will and the modern technology any thing could be established.

SDCJ cool cities

Each day because of the industrial revolution and the rising of the number of people all over the world we are facing the dangers effects of pollution. More than 90 percent of the pollution is coming from the means of transportation and the building. If we didn’t do any thing to prevent that (reduce the amount of pollution) we will need a new earth to live in which is impossible to happened. SDCJ introduced a new method to protect the world it manly for the gulf region which is cool cities.

SDCJ is a japans company that created a new type of cool cities. SDCJ cool cities will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and will make the power consumption more efficient with many methods. The first method is that they will use solar energy and will use some ways to cool the buildings with the air going through it. Also the streets will be covered with some kind of filter that reduce the heat of the sun and let the cool breezes come through it. To reduce the amount of pollution the cool cities will be divided into three parts to make it easier to reach any area of it while enjoying walking in the shaded streets. Also they will use solar boats and Hybrid cars and trains not the old type of trains it’s a new model that reduce the amount of pollution. The city is surrounded with trees to prevent the sand shifting.

The SDCJ cool cities will reduce more than 60% of the carbon dioxide and will make our life and the life of our children better and safer considering the diseases that come from the pollution.

Why would I like to live in Masder city?

Abu Dhabi started to build the first city of it kind which is Masdar city. Masder city will be a city with zero carbon dioxide and with less pollution. I would like to live in Masder city in the future after it finished if I could afford to live in it.

Why would I like to live in Masder city? That is the question I asked my self when I read the article about it. At first I didn’t like the idea of living in a city where you are not allowed to drive a car in but after thinking a lot and seeing the situation from other side I relisted that with out cars in the city there will be no congestions in the morning when I am going to the work. Also I will suffer less from my allergy and I will sleep better at night because the noise of cars will be less. In addition to that every thing that you need will be near you like the shopping mall, the GYM or even the clinic. I thought also that I would be healthier because I will walk more to the places I want to go to. The reason for that is that the streets will be shaded so instead of hiding from the sun I will be enjoying my self or jogging to keep my body fit.

There are a lot of other reasons why I would like to live in Masder city that make me whish if Masder city was build before but the main reason that why I would like to live in Masder city is to save the world from pollution and destruction.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

US Cool Citys

1. Seattle: They reduced global warming pollution by more than 60 percent by constructing green buildings and operating alternative fuel vehicles.
2. Washington DC: DC has replaced 414 of its polluting diesel buses with buses that burn natural gases.
3. Houston: convert a substantial portion of the city of fleet of cars and trucks.

4. Marion County/Florida: they use gas-electric hybrid vehicles.

5. The city of Scottsdale: has introduced Arizona’s first green building program which helps builders and home owners learn about how to integrate energy efficiency and water saving.

6. Salt Lake City: they changed 861 traffic lights to LED light signals.

7. Colorado: is working to produce 50 percent of the city electricity with renewable energy by 2017.

8. Charlotte: they switched from a gas only Ford Taurus to a hybrid Toyota Prius or Honda Civic and that would save city taxpayers approximately $800-1200 per vehicle including over $400 in annual fuel cost.

9. Twin Falls/ Idaho: Reduce energy cost and cut pollution by increasing the energy efficiency of its 11 schools.

10. St. Paul: they use a system that uses heat drawn from a biomass-fired power plant.

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

In our life we do a lot of right choices and wrong turns. In the last few years the rate of pollution increased dramatically. Nowadays people have become like factories not directly but in one way or another. There is a thing that is called carbon footprint it is a way to measure how much your activity produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

When I take the footprint quiz I discovered that I need 2.75 planets to live in. it’s the first time that I knew that our daily activates from the first sun light to the late hours of the night affect the environment. The way we are eating the kind of food we are eating or the clothes we are wearing for example when you go to a fast food restaurant you make your carbon footprint bigger. The way that food was produced like the tomato plant or harvested they need machinery to produce this amount of tomato and what about fertilizers all of these things produce greenhouse gases.

We must do some thing to help our planet and reduce our carbon footprint. There are many ways to do that for example lets switch off the lights if we didn’t need them or change to the new type of lights which uses less amount of electricity. Also we could depend more on the public means of transportation instead of using our cars each time we go out. Let’s walk or cycle to work for a change it’s also another way of getting healthy and getting rid of the obesity problems that our society suffer from it.

We can change our future its all depend on our will. Its easier to change our habits than our planet. Let’s help to make the world a better place to live in.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Solutions For Abu Dhabi

Some of the solutions that we can do to help people to be more aware of the situation:

  1. Is that the government could put a new law that’s says: private companies should pay tax or help in a way to fight the rising rate of pollution.
  2. Why not started the idea of reducing the pollution and the recycling methods during the educational years of the people life, starting from kindergarten to the high school level.
  3. Money encourages most of the people so why not pay the people who recycle there waste.

Why is it called An Inconvenient Truth

The movie "An Inconvenient Truth" was called like this because the movie contains a message that is saying that we have to fight our desires and change to help the planet and reduce the pollution and the emission of CO2.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Critical Thinking (power point)

Reaction on the movie An Inconvenient Truth

On my opinion Al Gore is great person and he is looking after a noble issue that for the good of the human being. If his ideas was applied in the real world I think we will be able to defeat the monster of pollution.

Monday, April 21, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth (Summary)

The movie’s name is An Inconvenient Truth. It is about global warming. In the movie the ex Vice-president Al Gore is talking about global warming and its dangerous effect on us. At first he said that the majority of land and vegetation is in the north side of the earth. After that he spoke about the Himalaya chain and the massive use of its snow for drinking. Almost 40% of the people of the earth get there drinking water from there. After the congress act to reduce the pollution rate and it was proved when they examine the ice. Later he talked about the relationship between the rate of CO2 and the temperature. Each time the rate of CO2 get higher the temperature rate will rise. The raising of the temperature will cause many things. One of them is the sea temperature will get higher that will make the hurricanes to get stronger. That also will cause ice melting in Antarctica and other areas which will raise the rate of the sea and then some of the lands and islands will drown. Also because of the melt downs we may have to draw a new world map. The huge population that is leading to raising the amount of pollution. In addition to that he was encouraging us to make the economy a friend of the environment. He was saying that we have to take care of the earth because it is the place that we live on and its our life and the future of our children.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

MY Car


Lebanon is an ancient country it was named the land of milk and honey in the bible but in the modern time is called the Paris of the east. Some of the famous people in the world are from Lebanon or half from Lebanon like the famous singer Shakira. It has a great geographic location between five of its neighbors. The surrounding countries are Israel, Jordan, Turkey and Cyprus.

Lebanon faced a lot of political problems in the last few decades. Some of the things like Christians holding the balance of power and members of radical Christian group killed a bus full of Palestinians. As a result sconces of revenge killing and then violence started spiriting between the Lebanese. Then civil war started Lebanon didn’t get a chance to recover Israeli started another war. In 1989 Lebanon had a peace deal with Israeli. The lost was huge almost 300,000 wounded people and the life lost was between 150,000 and 200,000. The economy of Lebanon was destroyed in these two wars.

Lebanon started healing its wounds almost recovered the tragedy. Nowadays the cities become one of the modern cities in the world. The buildings covered the hills. The raises between the Lebanese disappeared. Beirut has a great night life for a country that suffered all of these things. On the other hand the pollution is very high because the rate of cares is too high. The electricity pills and phones pills are too expensive. Also the rate of unemployment people is high.

In the future Lebanon may change and solve its problems any thing could happen another war could start but we hope the best for Lebanon.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

the best car ever

The Monster

A humongous ancient creature fossilized was discovered in Arctic island chain of Svalbard. The sincetests called it The Monster it was discovered in 2006. It is a marine animal with huge muscles and large jaw that could cut a small car in half. The reptile is the biggest reptile that has ever been discovered. Its flipper is 3m long can you imagine that it’s almost the size of a killer whale. Some of the reptile skull pieces were not found because it lay on a river so it was washed away. The Monster was taken to a museum in Oslo.

It is a fantastic creature but sadly they couldn’t recover all of its pieces I hope I can go to the museum to see the wonderful reptile. What if that reptile is steel living these days no body would dear to go fishing.