Monday, May 12, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

In our life we do a lot of right choices and wrong turns. In the last few years the rate of pollution increased dramatically. Nowadays people have become like factories not directly but in one way or another. There is a thing that is called carbon footprint it is a way to measure how much your activity produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

When I take the footprint quiz I discovered that I need 2.75 planets to live in. it’s the first time that I knew that our daily activates from the first sun light to the late hours of the night affect the environment. The way we are eating the kind of food we are eating or the clothes we are wearing for example when you go to a fast food restaurant you make your carbon footprint bigger. The way that food was produced like the tomato plant or harvested they need machinery to produce this amount of tomato and what about fertilizers all of these things produce greenhouse gases.

We must do some thing to help our planet and reduce our carbon footprint. There are many ways to do that for example lets switch off the lights if we didn’t need them or change to the new type of lights which uses less amount of electricity. Also we could depend more on the public means of transportation instead of using our cars each time we go out. Let’s walk or cycle to work for a change it’s also another way of getting healthy and getting rid of the obesity problems that our society suffer from it.

We can change our future its all depend on our will. Its easier to change our habits than our planet. Let’s help to make the world a better place to live in.

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